
부유식 해상풍력 웹세미나

Editor GoGo
2021-05-27 20:28

부유식 해상풍력 웹세미나입니다.

Webinar: Science meets industry – Floating Offshore Wind in Norway

Wednesday 26 May 2021


10.00 – 10.15

Research Test & Demo Infrastructure for Floating Wind in Norway.

10.15 – 10.28

  • Marine Energy Test Centre – The world’s leading test centre for floating wind solution and the main hub for Norwegian Offshore Wind Cluster. Arvid Nesse, Managing Director / Cluster manager.


10.30 – 10.43

  • The TetraSpar Demonstration Project states to be the world’s first full-scale demonstration of an industrialized offshore foundation. The project is carried out in a partnership between Shell, RWE, TEPCO Renewable Power, and Stiesdal. To be tested from 2021 at Marine Energy Test Centre in Norway. Henrik Stiesdal, CEO Stiesdal.


 – BREAK –


10.55 – 11.08

  • OO Star – An update about the Flagship project, a EU Horizon 2020 supported project. The aim is to reduce the Levelized Cost of Energy from floating offshore wind. The project will develop and fabricate the first 10 MW Floating Offshore Wind Turbine assembled on a floating semi-submersible concrete structure in the Norwegian North Sea. Trond LandbøSenior Adviser Dr.techn. Olav Olsen AS.


11.10 – 11.23

  • SeaTwirl – 1 MW world first Floating Vertical Axis Wind Turbine – testing at Marin Energy Test Centre from 2022.
    Efva Willén, Business Development Manager.


11.25 – 11.38

  • Flexifloat – A project update from the Rosenberg Worley led project aiming to develop a new innovative sub structure for harvesting of ocean energy from both wind, waves and sun. Knut Høiland, Project Manager Rosenberg Worley.


11:40 – 11:53

  • UiS research activities and projects related to offshore wind turbine concepts and engineering software developmentMuk Chen Ong, Professor University of Stavanger.


 – BREAK –

Installations, Operations & Maintenance – Guided by Birger Haraldseid


12.05 – 12.18


12.20 – 12.33

  • Student Case – Master Student presenting his case for Digital TwinSharat Chandar Joghee, University of Stavanger.


12.35 – 12.48

  • Energy Hubs: Denmark’s Energy Islands – what are they, and why are they important? Hanne Storm Edlefsen, Vice President for Energy Islands in Energinet. 


12:50 – 13:03


 – BREAK –


13.10 – 13.23

  • Oceaneering AS – How new technology developments for other industries, are directly transferrable to Floating Wind inspections.  Steffan Lindsø, Subsea Robotics Product Manager.


13.25 – 13.38

  • Wind Spider – Presentation of a new innovative design for installation and operations for offshore wind turbines. Hans Olav Hide, CEO and Co-founder.


13.40 – 13.53

  • Research activities in installation, repair and maintenance of offshore wind turbines
    Lin Li Associate Professor and Idriss El-Thalji Associate Professor, University of Stavanger.


13.55 – 14.05   – O&A – 


전체 97
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